txt2tags + LaTeX + poetry = TeXtallion!
Forgeot, our
now comes with a nice solution for those inspired LaTeX lovers who
prefer the simple txt2tags markup:
[caption id="attachment_141" align="aligncenter" width="483"
caption="TeXtallion in
I'll let Eric explain his creation:
The project was made because of our consideration for the good and appealing quality of the LaTeX output, and also because of our love for the simplicity of txt2tags.
But there is also much frustration with LaTeX, it's perfect for writing scientific and complex books, but there is not way to quickly start writing prosa with it, without enduring the intrusive and complex syntax.
The goal of TeXtallion is to use txt2tags as a preprocesseur, and keep its non-distracting formating marks, while being able to export easily into LaTeX and html. Txt2tags can already export to LaTeX, but there is little control on the output.
The TeXtallion is not a piece of software, it's just some templates, rules and makefile for txt2tags.
So with it you can publish on paper (pdf example), web page (html example), or ebook (epub example), from an unique source (source for all the previous documents).
By default, TeXtallion will have all that is needed for writing a simple and nice looking book or roman:
Bold, italic, underligned, striked letters, colored text, page numbering, top header with title and separating line, bullet lists and numbered lists, image includes, support for footnotes, table of content.
- The homepage is: http://anamnese.online.fr/site2/textallion/samples/presentation.html
- You can download the latest release from: http://anamnese.online.fr/site2/textallion/textallion.zip