7 years of txt2tags
Seems like yesterday when we made five... But now we're seven!
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To celebrate this very special date (it's real hard to keep a spare-time one-man project like txt2tags for that long), there's a new 2.5 version out there!
It's not one. Not even two. But three new targets!
Maybe you'll write an article on Wikipedia, maybe you'll update your Google Code project or maybe you'll edit some DokuWiki page. In any case, txt2tags is your friend!
Keep using the same **marks** //you// __already__
and let txt2tags do the dirty job of converting
them to those new targets. The new codes for the -t option are wiki,
gwiki and doku. Enjoy!
Talking about marks, have you ever needed to ~~strikeout~~ something?
Now you can! Txt2tags 2.5 brings a new mark: --
. Simple!
There's also a new PHP interface, better UTF-8 support, local links for LaTeX, new tools and more!
Check out the new guide: How to add a new target to txt2tags. I guess the name is self-describing, right? How about to get involved to the project, adding a new target?
Talking about collaboration, this release was sponsored by a generous donation from Dmitri Popov, who runs the No Thick Manuals site and have already helped lots of open source projects. Thank you Dmitri!
What now? Try the new version (online) and download it.